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For Farmers

Farmer is planning, Swedbank is financing

  • Leasing for purchasing new or used agricultural machinery.
  • Seasonal repayment schedule based on cash flows.
  • Investment loan for up to 30 years for purchasing agricultural land.
  • Loan for construction and renovation of buildings.
  • Valuation of land by bank experts.
  • Security can be provided in the form of a mortgage on real estate or arable land, and if necessary, surety from the Rural Development Foundation.
  • Financing for purchasing solar panels, wind turbines and earth energy heat pumps.
  • Lower than usual interest rate for loans.
  • Interest for electric, hybrid or low CO2 emission cars from 1.49%.
  • Flexible short-term loan for financing seasonal work.
  • Security can be provided as a mortgage or Rural Development Fund surety.
  • Loan of up to 15000 euros secured by farming subsidy, up to 75% of the subsidy received.
  1. Fill out the application in the Internet bank. We will contact you within two business days.
  2. If property collateral is needed, we will require a valuation report from a real estate agency accepted by the bank.
  3. Sign the agreement digitally.
  4. If necessary register the collateral and procure insurance.
  5. The money will be transferred to your account.
We can ask for the annual financial report (not older than 12 months) if it has not been submitted to the Commercial Register.

Real Estate Evaluators accepted by Swedbank to value commercial and residential properties

Real estate company Address Phone
  • 1Partner Kinnisvara

  • Area: whole Estonia
  • Property type: residential and commercial property
  • 66 84 700
  • 50 46 190
  • 73 66 006

Arco Vara Kinnisvarabüroo OÜ offices

  • Area: whole Estonia
  • Property type: residential and commercial property
614 4600
744 2218
447 1430
435 9969
324 0888
357 7227
337 0400

Arco Vara Kinnisvarabüroo OÜ representatives

514 1045
514 1045
555 222 55
565 076 37
565 076 37
565 076 37
565 076 37
565 076 37
512 4236

Colliers International Advisors OÜ

616 0777

Domus Kinnisvara Vahendus OÜ

646 4035
742 3100
443 1154
356 6411
433 4411
453 6433

Eri Kinnisvara OÜ

  • Area: whole Estonia
  • Property type: residential and commercial property
606 0077

Kaanon Kinnisvarabüroo OÜ

  • Area: whole Estonia
  • Property type: residential and commercial property
665 9585
735 0850

Kinnisvaraekspert OÜ

Kinnisvaraekspert Pärnu OÜ

  • Area: whole Estonia
  • Property type: residential and commercial property
626 4250
442 0700

Lahe Kinnisvara

608 0530
5622 2313
512 4565
5645 8687

LVM Kinnisvara OÜ

  • Area: whole Estonia
  • Property type: residential and commercial property
  • 4 477 000
  • 56 56 8000
452 6044
  • 68 43 700
  • 5694 1700
710 2000

Newsec Valuations EE OÜ

  • Area: whole Estonia
  • Property type: commercial property
5346 8308

Ober-Haus Hindamisteenuste OÜ

  • Area: whole Estonia
  • Property type: residential and commercial property
6 659 700
7446 500
33 70 768

Pindi Kinnisvara OÜ offices

  • Area: whole Estonia
  • Property type: residential and commercial property
  • 610 3900
  • 512 0280
482 1408
744 1116
  • 447 1075
  • 521 4985
357 5115
327 7100
452 9500
384 6015
610 3903
433 0111
472 0830
332 7676
786 0936

Pindi Kinnisvara OÜ representatives

514 9289
5667 9221
504 2164
501 3658
5551 5382

RE Kinnisvara AS

  • Area: Harju- ja Raplamaa
  • Property type: residential and commercial property
6 688 666

Uus Maa Kinnisvarabüroo OÜ

  • Area: whole Estonia
  • Property type: residential and commercial property
627 2600
744 1144
442 0380
322 3601
337 9750
520 4955
435 1361
58 14 5068
56 241 810
53 73 0096

What is it?

The Sustainable Farming Certificate is for farms that are engaged in agriculture as the principal or as one of their activities.

Purpose of the certificate

  • Encouraging eco-friendly and responsible farming
  • Helping farmers farm more profitably
  • Ensuring farms have access to more favourable terms of financing

eAgronom is Swedbank’s official partner in the issuance and monitoring of the certificate.

The certificate is an opportunity to obtain a loan on more favourable terms

  • Machinery leasing 1.49% + 6-month Euribor 1,19% + 6-month Euribor until 30.09.2025 1.49% + 6-month Euribor
  • Working capital - loan interest rate is reduced by 0.3%
  • For infrastructure development Including for production of renewable energy for self-consumption of the farm - loan interest rate is reduced by 0.3%
  • Land purchase loan - loan interest rate is reduced by 0.3% and the repayment period can be up to 30 years

To qualify for the certificate, the farm needs to meet the following conditions on a day-to-day basis.

Farm’s GHG* assessment

  • Where energy emissions (including fuel) represent more than 20% of total emissions from non-perennial crop production activity, these emissions must be in a 10% reduction trajectory from a 5-year perspective.

Crop rotation and soil coverage

  • At least 5-year crop rotation, including 1 year of legume (pea, bean, etc.). Multi-species cover crop counts as one crop.
  • At least 75% of living plant coverage index. This means that on average, fields should have crops growing at least 9 months of the year. Winter crops and cover crops can be used to achieve this crop coverage.
  • Residue should be left on the field or replaced respectively with manure to avoid nutrient loss.

Soil management

  • Prevent soil compaction by avoiding traffic on wet fields. This means doing field operations on time, before or after excessive humidity periods (standing water on the field).
  • Peatlands may not be cultivated to avoid loss of soil’s organic carbon. Such wetlands should be kept as is, or turned into grasslands.
  • Maintain permanent grassland. A land that has been grassland for 5 or more consecutive years should remain as such.

Nutrient management and plant protection

  • Precision fertilization is used for mineral nitrogen application, taking into account soil analyzes, yield maps, and other field-specific information.
  • Manure is incorporated into the soil via injection (slurry) or within 1h (manure).
  • No increases in quantities of plant protection products used (either in total, or per crop type per unit area) compared to an annual baseline average determined over a rolling 5 year baseline period.

Learn more

  1. The farm applies for the certificate in the official partner’s system.
  2. Partner carries out an inspection of the farm and the farm receives the certificate. In case of failure to meet the criteria - an assessment about the necessary improvements.
  3. If the improvements are made - the certificate is issued at the end of the season.
  4. Once the certificate is received, it can be submitted at the bank to get more favourable terms of financing. For additional loan obligations, the farm undertakes to comply with the certificate requirements over the entire loan period*.

* If the sustainable farming certificate is not submitted at the end of every farming season, the bank will raise the price of the respective loan by 0.3% or, in case of leasing, by 1%.

Book a consultation

Find out more about the certification process

documentSustainable farming Terms and Conditions

Contracts entered into between the European Investment Fund (EIF) and Swedbank enable us to provide loans and leasing services to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The Guarantee is provided with the ultimate purpose of enhancing access to finance in line with defined policy objectives.

Guarantee program for medium-sized enterprises “InvestEU SME Guarantee”

The objective of this program is to increase access to finance for SME-enterprises by offering additional guarantee from the EIF.

Conditions for using the InvestEU SME guarantee:

  • Fixed assets and working capital are financed.
  • The maximum amount to be financed is up to EUR 2,000,000.
  • The company has up to 250 employees.
  • The annual turnover is up to 50 million EUR, or the balance sheet total is up to 43 million EUR.
  • The guarantee is free of charge.

To get the EIF-supported financing, ask your contact person in the bank or fill in an application.

Guarantee program for micro-enterprises “InvestEU Micro Guarantee”

The objective of this program is to increase access to finance for micro-enterprises by offering additional guarantee from the EIF.

Conditions for using the InvestEU Micro Guarantee:

  • Fixed assets and working capital are financed.
  • The maximum amount to be financed is up to EUR 50,000.
  • The company has up to 9 employees.
  • The annual turnover is up to 2 million EUR, or the balance sheet total is up to 2 million EUR.
  • The guarantee is free of charge.

To get the EIF-supported financing, fill in an application.

The supported financing benefits from the support from the European Union under the InvestEU Fund. The InvestEU Fund is designed to support policy objectives of the European Union by means of operations that contribute to (i) the competitiveness of the European Union; (ii) growth and employment in the European Union economy, the sustainability of the European Union economy and its environmental and climate dimension; (iii) social resilience; (iv) the promotion of scientific and technological advances, of culture, education and training; (v) the integration of the European Union capital markets and the strengthening of the internal market; (vi) the promotion of economic, social and territorial cohesion; or (vii) the sustainable and inclusive recovery of the European Union economy after the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Additional information can be found on the information page provided by the European Commission.

European Investment Fund

To find out which financing option would work best for your company, sign up for a consultation!

Business Credit Card - extra funds that can also be used for paying bills.

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Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

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This is a website of companies offering financial services – Swedbank AS, Swedbank Liising AS, Swedbank P&C Insurance AS, Swedbank Life Insurance SE, and Swedbank Investeerimisfondid AS. Before entering into any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service. Consult a specialist, where necessary. Swedbank AS does not provide a credit advisory service for the purposes of the Creditors and Credit Intermediaries Act. The borrower makes the decision of taking out a loan, who assesses the suitability of the loan product and contractual terms to his/her personal loan interest, need and financial situation on the basis of the information and warnings presented by the bank and is responsible for the consequences related to concluding the agreement.