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Swedbank Baltics

Swedbank Baltics AS is a financial holding company, fully owned by Swedbank AB (publ) in Sweden. Swedbank Baltics AS is a parent of Swedbank subsidiary banks in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, and hence creating a Baltic sub-consolidation group, which is under the supervision of the European Central Bank.

Swedbank is the largest bank in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, with approximately 3.3 million private customers and approximately 282,000 corporate customers (as of September 2021).

Swedbank is always available through its digital and physical channels. Swedbank in Baltic countries is a part of the local community. Its local social commitment is expressed in many ways with initiatives to promote education, entrepreneurship, and sustainable society.

document Consolidated annual report 2021

Swedbank Baltics Management

<h3>Olof Sundblad</h3>
      <ul class="plain-list">
        <li>Acting Head of Baltic Banking</li>

Olof Sundblad

  • Acting Head of Baltic Banking
<h3>Olavi Lepp</h3>
      <p>Head of Swedbank in Estonia</p>

Olavi Lepp

Head of Swedbank in Estonia

<h3>Lauris Mencis</h3>
      <ul class="plain-list">
        <li>Head of Swedbank in Latvia</li>

Lauris Mencis

  • Head of Swedbank in Latvia

Inga Skisaker

Head of Swedbank in Lithuania

<h3>Loreta Lapinskaitė</h3>
      <p>Head of Channel Management</p>

Loreta Lapinskaitė

Head of Channel Management

<h3>Andres Tukk</h3>
      <p>Head of Baltic Banking Segment Management Private</p>

Andres Tukk

Head of Baltic Banking Segment Management Private

<h3>Ieva Vīgante</h3>
      <p>Head of Corporate Segment, Baltic Banking</p>

Ieva Vīgante

Head of Corporate Segment, Baltic Banking

<h3>Tiina Sepa</h3>
      <p>Head of Baltic Banking Legal</p>

Tiina Sepa

Head of Baltic Banking Legal

Agita Jākobsone

Agita Jākobsone

Head of Baltic Banking
Human Resources

<h3>Rūta Kinderytė</h3>
      <p>Business Information Officer for Baltic Banking</p>

Rūta Kinderytė

Business Information Officer for Baltic Banking

<h3>Kerstin Pilt</h3>
      <p>Chief Compliance Officer at Baltic Banking</p>

Kerstin Pilt

Chief Compliance Officer at Baltic Banking

<h3>Kęstutis Vanagas</h3>
      <p>Head of Baltic Banking Communication &amp; Marketing</p>

Kęstutis Vanagas

Head of Baltic Banking Communication & Marketing

<h3>Juris Bogdanovs</h3>
      <p>Head of Anti Financial Crime</p>

Juris Bogdanovs

Head of Anti Financial Crime

Petteri Nikkola

Petteri Nikkola

  • Chief Risk Officer
Swedbank logo

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Alates 23. märtsist ei ole võimalik Internet Exploreri veebibrauseri kaudu Swedbanki internetipanka avada.

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С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

Вместо браузера Internet Explorer мы рекомендуем использовать браузеры Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge. Инструкции по установке упомянутых браузеров можно найти здесь.

From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

Klienditugi - Инфо и помощь - Customer service: +372 6 310 310

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  • The operating system of your device & your browser are too outdated to be supported by Swedbank Internet Bank. Please, update the operating system & browser or turn to IT specialist for technical help.
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Liivalaia 8, 15040 Tallinn
Reg. number: 10060701

Useful links

Legal information

Customer programmes

This is a website of companies offering financial services – Swedbank AS, Swedbank Liising AS, Swedbank P&C Insurance AS, Swedbank Life Insurance SE, and Swedbank Investeerimisfondid AS. Before entering into any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service. Consult a specialist, where necessary. Swedbank AS does not provide a credit advisory service for the purposes of the Creditors and Credit Intermediaries Act. The borrower makes the decision of taking out a loan, who assesses the suitability of the loan product and contractual terms to his/her personal loan interest, need and financial situation on the basis of the information and warnings presented by the bank and is responsible for the consequences related to concluding the agreement.