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Car leasing

Valuations carried out by Swedbank Liising

Valuations carried out by Swedbank AS

Call 888 7799 (only on workdays from 8.30-17.00) or fill out a valuation form to agree on a time to value the vehicle.


Vehicle valuation booking

If the vehicle is not registered in Estonia, then the pre-registration inspection record number

Paying for a valuation

You will find the price of the Swedbank Liising valuation service in the online price list at

You will find the price of the Swedbank AS valuation service in the online price list at

You can pay by card on site (in Tallinn) or later on the basis of an invoice.

The vehicle being valued must be clean and you must present valid registration.

If you’d prefer an operating lease, contact one of our partners to arrange the necessary paperwork:

Please specify the residual value and permitted mileage with the person carrying out the valuation.

This service is offered by Swedbank Liising AS. Take a look at the terms and conditions online at If you have any questions, speak to a member of bank staff.

This service is offered by Swedbank AS. Take a look at the terms and conditions online at If you have any questions, speak to a member of bank staff.

Car leasing (Operational Leasing)

The annual percentage rate is 6,52% on the following (example) conditions:

  • asset price, including VAT, 23 000 €;
  • down payment of 10%;
  • residual value of 25%;
  • amount of credit available, including VAT, €20 700;
  • floating interest rate 2,29% per annum + 6 months' Euribor (31.07.2024 6-month Euribor rate was – 3,579%; the rate set out in your agreement may change every 6 months; negative Euribor equals to zero);
  • contract fee of €230;
  • contract period of 5 years;
  • number of repayments 60;
  • the sum of repayments €18 260,49;
  • the total cost of the credit €3 310,49;
  • the total sum of the credit €20 790,49.

The rate is calculated on the assumption that the basic amount and the interest will be repaid as monthly annuity payments.
In the case of leasing, you must also take out comprehensive and motor third party liability insurance. The cost of insurance and possible costs of asset registration, state fees, and valuation report fees are not included in the rate of charge.

Car leasing (Capital Leasing)

The annual percentage rate is 6,52% on the following (example) conditions:

  • asset price, including VAT, 23 000 €;
  • down payment of 10%;
  • amount of credit available, including VAT, €20 700;
  • floating interest rate 2,45% per annum + 6 months' Euribor (31.07.2024 6-month Euribor rate was – 3,579%; the rate set out in your agreement may change every 6 months; negative Euribor equals to zero);
  • contract fee of €230;
  • contract period of 5 years;
  • number of repayments 60;
  • the sum of repayments €23 969,56;
  • the total cost of the credit €3 269,56;
  • the total sum of the credit €26 499,56.

The rate is calculated on the assumption that the basic amount and the interest will be repaid as monthly annuity payments.
In the case of leasing, you must also take out comprehensive and motor third party liability insurance. The cost of insurance and possible costs of asset registration, state fees, and valuation report fees are not included in the rate of charge.

Basis for the calculation

Basis for the calculation

  • vehicle price, including VAT - €%PRICE%;
  • financing amount - €%LOAN_AMOUNT%;
  • down payment - €%DOWN_PAYMENT%;
  • residual value - €%RESIDUAL_VALUE%;
  • loan period - %PERIOD% years;
  • floating interest rate - the interest rate varies on case-to-case basis - in the example - %TOTAL_INTEREST%% (%INTEREST%% + %EURIBOR%% 6 months' Euribor), the rate set out in your agreement may change every 6 months, negative Euribor equals to zero;
  • contract fee - €%FEE%;
  • the total sum of the credit - €%TOTAL%;
  • annual percentage rate (APR*) - %GPL%%.

*Annual percentage rate - Total cost of the credit expressed as the annual percentage of the credit amount or the maximum credit limit.
The rate is calculated on the assumption that the principal amount and the interest will be repaid as monthly annuity payments.
In the case of leasing, you must also take out comprehensive and motor third party liability insurance. The cost of insurance and possible costs of asset registration, state fees, and valuation report fees are not included in the rate of charge.

Your new car can be a step towards to a more sustainable lifestyle

For you as our Gold client, the agreement fee is –20%!

  • If you’re thinking about buying a new car, lease makes a perfect solution.
  • Smooth process online from application till the final repayment.
  • Fill in the application in just a few minutes.

EIC support for the purchase of an electric car

The Environmental Investment Centre (EIC) is offering a EUR 4000 grant for the purchase of new electric cars.
With us, you can always get an environmentally friendly car at a more favourable leasing rate.

Read more on the EIC page

Find yourself a suitable monthly payment

Car leasing calculator

The minimum car price financed by leasing is 11 200 EUR. We recommend using the car loan for smaller amounts. EUR EUR

* According to the light vehicles test procedure (WLTP) data.

The calculation is approximate and may differ from the terms and conditions offered to you. The interest rate depends on the client’s profile and the chosen vehicle. The best interest rate is offered for new vehicles.

Basis for the calculation
  • 0EUR
  • 0EUR
  • Leasing is best solution if you are planning to purchase a new or slightly used car.
  • Interest rate starts from 2.29% + 6 month Euribor
  • Convenient to apply for and to sign the contract via the internet bank
  • In the case of Capital Leasing, you’ll pay the entire value of the vehicle, and at the end of the contract, you’ll become the owner of the vehicle.
  • In case of Hire-purchase you can acquire the vehicle from a private person or a company that is not a VAT payer.

In the case of an Operational Leasing, there will be a residual value at the end of the contract, and you can decide later what to do. Whether:

  • to keep the car, paying the residual value of your own funds or we will find a new financing solution to you;
  • to sell the vehicle to a third party and pay us the residual value;
  • to return the vehicle to the seller.

Starting January 1, 2025, a motor vehicle tax entered into force, consisting of a vehicle registration fee and an annual fee.

The registration fee applies to passenger cars (M1 category) and trucks with a gross weight of up to 3,500 kilograms (N1 category). The registration fee must be paid to the Transport Administration before the first registration in Estonia. This fee also applies to vehicles already listed in Estonian motor register upon the first change of ownership if no registration fee has been paid for that vehicle before.

The registration fee is not payable if, at the end of a leasing agreement, the lessee (i.e. the responsible user) becomes the new registered owner of the vehicle. If a third party buys out the leased vehicle, then the registration fee must be paid. Another exception is when ownership changes due to inheritance; in this case, no registration fee is required.

Additionally, the owner of a motor vehicle is required to pay the annual fee to the Tax and Customs Board. For leased vehicles, the lessee as the responsible user must pay the annual fee.

Useful Information

  1. After finding a suitable vehicle, fill in the Car Lease application in the internet bank or at the car dealership.
  2. We will contact you.
  3. If the seller is not a cooperation partner of Swedbank, order the valuation report of the car.
  4. Sign the contract in the internet bank and make the down payment.
    Instruction manual on the digital signing of leasing documents
  5. The seller initiates registrationof the vehicle in the name of Swedbank Liising AS at the Traffic Register Bureau of the Transport Administration.
    E-service instructions of the Estonian Transport Administration to the seller
  6. Sign the contract in the internet bank and make the down payment.
    Instruction manual on the digital signing of leasing documents
  7. The seller initiates registrationof the vehicle in the name of Swedbank AS at the Traffic Register Bureau of the Transport Administration.

Take out Casco Insurance and Traffic Insurance for the car. You can add insurance payments to the monthly lease payment and make them into one. To do this, the contracts must be signed in the internet bank at the same time.

alert-warning If you going to take casco insurance with other company than Swedbank, please email the policy to or upload the policy ot the Internet bank by clicking Everyday Banking -> Document Management -> Document Upload -> Type: Insurance policy -> Subtype: Casco Insurance.

  • Loan amount starting from €10,000
  • Loan period up to 7 years, in case of Operational lease the loan period is up to 5 years
  • The age of the car at the end of the lease cannot be more than 15 years
  • Down payment starting from 10%
  • Mandatory Casco Insurance
  • Leasing annual interest rate starts from 2.29% + 6 month Euribor. Interest is calculated on the loan balance.
  • Negative Euribor equals to zero.
  • Contract fee 1% of the lease amount; minimum €200
  • Net monthly income at least €800, with a co-applicant at least €1100.

Get special conditions when purchasing an electric, low-consumption or hybrid car.

  • For new or used car with a CO2 emission level not exceeding 50 g/km*, the interest rate starts from 1.49% + 6 month Euribor.
  • For new car with a CO2 emission level of 51–130 g/km*, the interest rate starts from 1.89% + 6 month Euribor.
  • Special conditions include Swedbank casco insurance with an 10% discount for the first year.

*According to the light vehicles test procedure (WLTP) data.

Vehicle leasing

Effective as of 01.11.2024 Effective as of 01.01.2025
Agreement fee 1% of the price of the property, no less than 200 €
Amendment of the lease agreement
Changing the payment date (first change is free of charge) 30 €
Restoration of the agreement, repayment holiday 65 €
Changing the type or period of the agreement, changing a collateral (e.g. surety, guarantee) other changes 160 €
Making an additional payment of operating lease 160 €
Making an additional payment of capital lease and hire-purchase in the case of a floating interest agreement free of charge
Making an additional payment of capital lease and hire-purchase in the case of a fixed interest agreement ask for a quote
Early termination of the lease agreement (gaining ownership of the vehicle)
Early termination of an operating lease agreement (within the first 9 months of the agreement) the interest until the end of the 9th month
Early termination of an operating lease agreement (later than 9 months from agreement signing) free of charge (interest for the period used)
Early termination in the case of a fixed interest rate capital lease and hire-purchase sales agreement 1% of the sum of unpaid instalments if the agreement term expires in 1 year or later; 0.5% of the sum of unpaid instalments if the agreement term expires in less than 1 year
Early termination in the case of a floating interest rate capital lease and hire-purchase sales agreement free of charge (interest for the period used)
Purchasing of the vehicle by a third party in case of operating and capital lease agreements.

The price is inclusive of VAT.

In case of operating lease fee is applicable for early termination and contract expiration.

150 € (in addition to early termination fees)
Penalty ECB interest rate + 8% a year (currently 0.034% a day, 12.25% a year) ECB interest rate + 8% a year (currently 0.031% a day, 11.15% a year) The interest rate applicable to the main refinancing operations of the European Central Bank (the ECB interest rate). The ECB interest rate is published in the Ametlikud Teadaanded. The default interest rate may change twice a year (on January 1 and July 1) if the ECB interest rate has changed.
Other services The price is inclusive of VAT.
An unattested power of attorney of giving property to sublessee 50 €
An unattested power of attorney (e.g. exchange of the license plate, amendment of the user data, ordering of keys, etc.) 10 €
Formalization of Estonian Transport Administration e-service transaction 5 €
Notarized power of attorney of the vehicle (e.g. using the vehicle) starting from 75 €
Preparation of a certificate 10 €
Sending a notice on breach, forwarding a fine 10 €
Re-formalization of an invoice (incl. cancelling) 50 €
Contractual penalty for delays in the timely return of the vehicle 50 € a day
Document processing fee (e.g. archived documents) 30 €
Property valuation service (incl. passenger cars, motorcycles, ATVs) 95 €
Provision of valuation services on site agreed fee
Truck, trailer, heavy machinery (incl. excavators, caravan cars, tractors, loaders, hoists, combine harvesters, couplings, forestry machinery), watercraft and equipment valuation service agreed fee
  • Fill in an application for the termination of the contract if you want to pay off the remaining balance in full or sell the vehicle before due date.
  • In the case that the vehicle is purchased by a third person, we require a confirmation from the buyer via a bank notice or e-mail at Final invoice preparation could take up to 2 weeks. Swedbank Liising AS has the right to refuse to prepare the final invoice to the third party indicated in the invoice. In case the lease object is being purchased by a third person, then service fee will apply according to the pricelist.
  • In the case that the vehicle is purchased by a third person, we require a confirmation from the buyer via a bank notice or e-mail at Final invoice preparation could take up to 2 weeks. Lessor has the right to refuse to prepare the final invoice to the third party indicated in the invoice. In case the lease object is being purchased by a third person, then service fee will apply according to the pricelist. Registration fee may apply when changing vehicle ownership at the Transport Administration.
  • You will receive an invoice, and following the final payment you can register the vehicle at the Estonian Transport Administration in your or the buyer’s name.
  • Once your contract expires and you have no more liabilities to the bank, we will initiate the transfer of the ownership of the vehicle in the e-service of the Transport Administration.
  • After receiving notification re-register the car at the Transport Administration.
  • Extending the contract. Fill in an application for extension of the contract.
  • Paying off the residual value. Fill in an application for termination of the contract. You will receive an invoice, and following the final payment you can re-register the vehicle at the Estonian Transport Administration.
  • Returning the vehicle. The leased car must be presented to the car dealership for vehicle inspection no later than 1 month before the expiry of the contract. The vehicle must meet the requirements of normal wear at the time of return. Fill in the act of property inspection and return.
  • Returning the vehicle. The leased car must be presented to the car dealership for vehicle inspection no later than 1 month before the expiry of the contract. The vehicle must meet the requirements of normal wear at the time of return.
  • If you want to sell the vehicle passing the leasing contract to the buyer, the buyer must fill in the lease application.
  • Following a positive decision, fill in an application for termination of the contract indicating the details of the buyer.
  • We shall enter into a leasing agreement with the buyer, after which the car shall be re-registered at the Transport Administration.
  • Note! The previous owner must contact the insurance company and re-register the Traffic Insurance before the re-registration.
  • If you want to register the leased car in your name, we will initiate the transfer of the vehicle in the e-service of the Transport Administration. Following the payment of the last instalment you must complete the process within five calendar days, starting from the moment the information has been entered into the e-service. You will be notified accordingly.
  • If you buy the car or extend the contract with a Car Loan, you must register the vehicle in your name at the Transport Administration within 30 days.
  • If your leasing contract ends, take a look at your insurance contract, too, as it may also end.
  • If you register the car in your name, let us know, so we can register the Casco Insurance contract in your name, too.
  • All contracts are accessible to you in the internet bank, where you can view and change the conditions. For more information please call +372 888 1513 or send an e-mail to

You can make the following changes to your leasing contract:

  • extend the term
  • change the payment date
  • apply for a grace period
  • make early partial repayments

To change the contract please submit an application

Authorisation for Use of The Vehicle

Your car can be a step towards to a more sustainable lifestyle

Did you know that transport is responsible for 30% of the total CO2 emissions? But car industry is also bringing lots of new possibilities. Eco-friendly cars are not only better for the environment, they also tend to have lower ownership costs.

  1. Choosing electric, hybrid or other low CO2 emission caris your chance to be more environment friendly. We have special leasing offer for eco-friendly cars.
  2. Carpooling can reduce your environmental footprint by 3-4 times. Start small - give a ride to a colleague and try to do carpooling as often as you can.
  3. Walk, bike or use public transportation when possible. By the way, 30 minutes of fast-paced walk a day is a good workout and a great mood booster.

When buying a new car, bring your attention to the fuel economy and environmental labels – they indicate how much CO2 emissions your car produces.

Zero & low emission
vehicles (electric, plug-in vehicles)

Low & average emission
vehicles (mostly hybrid vehicles)

Average & high emission
vehicles (diesel, petrol vehicles)

Calculate how much carbon footprint does your transport choice create monthly?
  • 0
  • forest

Calculator's methodology based on ClimateCare.

Leasing offers

Agreement fee 0 €!

A suitable solution if you are planning to buy a used car. No down payment is required and Casco Insurance is not mandatory.

Free car assistance and guaranteed original spare parts for repairing cars not older than five years. All contracts of financial services in one place. You don’t need to worry about payments, they will be paid automatically from your bank account.


Swedbank Liising AS

Swedbank AS

  • Liivalaia 8
    15040 Tallinn, Estonia
  • phone 613 1324
  • S.W.I.F.T.: HABAEE2X
  • Register code: 10434248
  • Register code: 10060701
  • VAT number: EE100354546
Swedbank logo

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LIIVALAIA 8, 15040

Reg. number: 10060701

Useful links

Legal information

Customer programmes

This is a website of companies offering financial services – Swedbank AS, Swedbank Liising AS, Swedbank P&C Insurance AS, Swedbank Life Insurance SE, and Swedbank Investeerimisfondid AS. Before entering into any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service. Consult a specialist, where necessary. Swedbank AS does not provide a credit advisory service for the purposes of the Creditors and Credit Intermediaries Act. The borrower makes the decision of taking out a loan, who assesses the suitability of the loan product and contractual terms to his/her personal loan interest, need and financial situation on the basis of the information and warnings presented by the bank and is responsible for the consequences related to concluding the agreement.