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New securities account

Open a securities account and start investing

  • Internet Bank transactions with Swedbank’s funds and Baltic exchange stocks are free of charge.
  • Baltic securities holding is free of charge.
  • Holding other foreign securities for up to € 100,000 is free of charge.
  • For transactions with listed securities order a LEI code here.
  • Favourable tax rate on dividends of Finnish, Swedish, and Norwegian securities.

How to open securities account?

Open a securities account for a locally established company in a few easy steps.

Applicable for customers with Swedbank’s current account.

A legal representative can open a securities account by sending a bank message.

Applicable for customers with Swedbank’s current account.

Before opening a corporate securities account, please open a current account.

Where to invest?

  • Stocks – a wide variety of Baltic and global stocks.
  • Investment funds – select a suitable fund and professional investment managers will make the decisions for you. Transactions with investment funds do not require the LEI code.
  • Exchange-traded funds (ETF) – with just one investment, you get a variety of instruments from stocks and bonds to commodities and currencies.

Where can I get advice?

Sign up for an investment consultation by phone at +372 613 1606 (Mon-Fri at 9–5) or book an appointment via Internet Bank.

  • The LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) code is a global legal entity identifier consisting of a 20-digit code. Legal entities are required to have an LEI code in order to perform transactions with listed securities.
  • We offer our customers to apply for a LEI code through our partner LEI Register quickly and conveniently here. Registration and management of the code is paid.
  • More information about the LEI code can be found here.
Read more LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) is an international identity code consisting of 20 letters and numbers and is issued to legal entities participating in financial transactions. Each code is unique and remains the same the entire time of operation of the particular legal entity. An LEI code does not substitute the code issued by the register of legal entities. To obtain an LEI code, choose one of the international institutions authorised to issue LEI codes. You will find a complete list of the issuing institutions here. An LEI code is usually issued within a few hours to one day. For companies with a complex legal structure, it may take longer to issue the code. An LEI code has both a registration fee and an annual subscription fee. An LEI code is required for reporting a legal entity’s transactions to supervisory authorities. The investment service provider cannot fulfil its reporting obligation unless the legal entity has an LEI code. Without an LEI code, the legal entity’s transactions cannot be carried out. Starting from the 3rd of January, 2018, the LEI code is required for legal entities which conclude deals with the Exchange traded financial instruments in European Economic area – for example, equities, fixed income instruments and exchange traded funds. When an LEI code is issued, it reaches the central GLEIF system in approximately one working day, and the system automatically forwards it to your bank. If a customer who is a legal person does not submit an LEI code for the investment service provider to use when reporting a securities transaction, the service provider will not be able to fulfil the reporting obligation arising from law. As a result, the investment service provider may refuse to provide the service. A customer who is a legal person must have a valid LEI code for the correct fulfilment of the reporting obligation. Before carrying out a securities transaction, the investment service provider must verify that the customer has a valid LEI code.

Financial transactions with the following instruments require an LEI code:

  • financial instruments that can be traded on trading venues (regulated markets, multilateral trading facilities or organised trading facilities) in the European Economic Area, such as shares, bonds and exchange traded funds (ETFs);
  • over-the-counter derivatives, such as currency, stock, interest rate and commodity derivatives (forwards, swaps and options);
  • exchange-traded derivatives, such as options and futures.

Norwegian dividend taxation

As of 2019, rules concerning the application of a lower withholding tax rate than 25 per cent will apply on dividend distributions from Norwegian companies to foreign shareholders.

  • Statutory tax rate: 25%
  • Treaty rate for Estonian residents: 15%

Treaty tax rate may be applied if your tax residency is Estonia and you provide valid documents to the bank according to requirements mentioned below. Additionally, stocks have to be on the securities account on the ex-dividend date.

For application of reduced withholding tax rate, you must submit the necessary documents at the latest three business days before the ex-dividend date.

You shall be liable for submission of required documents, also for the accuracy of the documents and payment of all taxes associated with the securities. The bank shall not be liable for damages caused to the client due to applied tax rate or due to failure to submit required documents or to submit these on time. The bank shall not be obliged to remind you about the need to provide or update documents needed for application of lower tax rate.
  • A Certificate of Residency (CoR)

    Issued by local Tax Authority

    Certificate has to refer to Double Taxation Treaty between Estonia and Norway.

    As the Certificate of Residency is valid only for present calendar year, the Certificate of Residency has to be provided for each year the treaty rate is applied for.

  • Confirmation from the dividend recipient that they are the beneficial owner of the dividend

    Document sample is added. Current document is valid after first submission until underlying circumstances will change and client presents new confirmation.

A legal person will need to submit the following documents to Swedbank for income tax under the double taxation agreement:

This confirms that the dividend recipient is entitled to a reduced withholding tax rate.

To obtain this approval, you must apply to the Norwegian tax authorities for a more favorable income tax rate or tax exemption to the following address:

Central Tax Office – Foreign Tax Affairs (SFU)
Postboks 9200 Grønland
0134 Oslo

Please note that the above form must contain a residency confirmation from the tax office and the consent obtained will remain in effect until the conditions on which it is based have changed. In this case, the customer must submit a new confirmation.

Issued by local Tax Authority.

Certificate has to refer to Double Taxation Treaty between Estonia and Norway.

As the Certificate of Residency is valid only for present calendar year, the Certificate of Residency has to be provided for each year the treaty rate is applied for.

Document sample is added. Current document is valid after first submission until underlying circumstances will change and client presents new confirmation.

If based on the Approval a tax exemption is applied (0%), then the Approval is valid for three years after first submission or until underlying circumstances will change. Client has to provide following confirmation after every three years from initial acceptance.

The confirmation has to be presented before three years have passed from initial Approval date.

Do the following:

  1. Apply for the consent of the Norwegian Tax Authority to obtain a More favorable income tax rate or Tax exemption.
  2. Get a Certificate of Residency from local Tax Authority for the current calendar year.
  3. Fill the beneficial owner confirmation Confirmation from the dividend recipient that they are beneficial owner of the dividend.
  4. Gather all previously obtained documents and present to the bank before ex-dividend date.
  5. Every next calendar year provide new certificate of residency, which you will receive from local Tax Authority.
  • Documents can be provided to the bank throughout the year, but to get a more favourable tax treaty rate, it must be done 3 days before dividend ex-date.
  • If required documentation is not provided to the bank before dividend ex-date, then dividend will be paid out with statutory rate (25%).
  • A Certificate of Residency (issued by local Tax Authority) should be applied starting from year 2019 and should be renewed every year, since it is valid only for current calendar year. If dividend ex-date is on Q3, then Certificate of Residency can be obtained during summer.
  • General information about the documentation requirements for reduced tax rate.

Process for presenting needed documentation to the bank:

To present documents, choose from menu: Everyday banking → Document management → Document upload

Legal person will upload documents to business client Internet Bank.

Press the button "Upload new document".

Choose Type → Investment Agreements

Subtype has to be chosen according to the uploaded document. Each document is uploaded under separate, specific subtype. Only relevant subtypes are available for private and corporate customers.

Please make sure if you have presented all the required documents.

All documents presented to bank have to be manually signed (preferably with blue ink pen)! Manually signed document has to be scanned and uploaded.

Documents are valid until underlying circumstances will change, in which case client has to present new documents and notify bank.

Finnish dividend taxation

As of 2024 Finnish dividend reciever has to submit a new form – Investor Self-Declaration (dividends). The declaration is valid for the year of submission and the following 5 years or until underlying circumstances change. Previously provided Beneficial Owner Confirmation is not valid from 01.04.2024.

Please fill out a new form and upload it as PDF-document with your Certificate of Residency.

Important! Please mark all your Swedbank Securities accounts where Finnish Securities are held or will be held.

From 1 January 2021, dividends paid to foreign shareholders that are Finnish companies are subject to a lower withholding tax rate of 30% or 20%*.

Important! Lower tax rates are not available for those Finnish securities which are traded in other markets than Finland.

* Tax rates in Finland:

  • 30% for private persons
  • 20% for legal entities
  • Treaty tax rate for Estonian residents: 15%

Treaty tax rate may be applied if your tax residency is in Estonia and you are able to provide valid documents to the bank according to requirements mentioned below.

For application of reduced withholding tax rate, you must submit the necessary documents at the latest three business days before the ex-dividend date.

You shall be liable for submission of required documents, also for the accuracy of the documents and payment of all taxes associated with the securities. The bank shall not be liable for damages caused to the client due to applied tax rate or due to failure to submit required documents or to submit these on time. The bank shall not be obliged to remind you about the need to provide or update documents needed for application of lower tax rate.
  • If you are Finnish tax resident, please make sure you have provided us with your Finnish tax-ID number.
  • Please note, that 25,5% WHT will be applied if your data (name, ID, address, Finnish tax-ID) has been provided to us.
  • If we do not have all above data, 50% withholding tax will be applied.
  • Certificate of Residency (CoR)

    As the Certificate of Residency is valid only for current calendar year, the Certificate of Residency has to be provided for each year the treaty rate is applied for (without an end date).

    Issued by local Tax Authority.

    Certificate has to refer to Double Taxation Avoidance Convention between Estonia and Finland.

    Certificate should be in English.

    Certificate issued by local Tax Authority have to be manually signed and scanned. Important! Digitally signed document does not meet the requirements of the Finnish Tax Administration.

  • Investor Self-Declaration (dividends)

    As of 2024 Finnish dividend reciever has to submit a new form – Investor Self-Declaration (dividends). The declaration is valid for the year of submission and the following 5 years or until underlying circumstances change. Previously provided Beneficial Owner Confirmation is not valid from 01.04.2024.

    Please fill out a new form of Investor Self-Declaration (dividends) for

    Then upload it as PDF-document with your Certificate of Residency.

    Important! Mark all your Swedbank Securities accounts where Finnish Securities are held or will be held.

  • In order to receive a favorable tax rate, it is necessary to submit both the Certificate of Residency (CoR) and Investor Self-Declaration (dividends)
  • Documents can be provided throughout the year, but to get tax treaty rate documents must be submitted 3 days before ex-date. For example, if dividend ex-date is on Q3, then certificate of residency can be obtained e.g. during summer.
  • All presented original documents have to be preserved until underlying circumstances will change.
  • 35% tax rate will be applied if, at the time of payment, there is no identifying information on the beneficial owner.
  • A certificate of residency (issued by local Tax Authority) should renewed every year, since it is valid only for current calendar year.

Process for presenting needed documentation to the bank:

To present documents, choose from menu: Everyday banking → Document management → Document upload

Legal person will upload documents to business client Internet Bank.

Press the button "Upload new document".

Choose Type → Investment Agreements

Subtype has to be chosen according to the uploaded document. Each document is uploaded under separate, specific subtype. Only relevant subtypes are available for private and corporate customers.

Please make sure if you have presented all the required documents.

All documents presented to bank have to be manually signed (preferably with blue ink pen)! Manually signed document has to be scanned and uploaded.

Documents are valid until underlying circumstances will change, in which case client has to present new documents and notify bank.

Taxation of Swedish dividends

Foreign shareholders of Swedish companies are subject to:

  • Statutory tax rate of 30%; or
  • Treaty tax rate of 15% for Estonian residents.

NB! Treaty tax rate is applicable only in case of Swedish company’s shares purchased directly from the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Treaty tax rate is applied according to the customer’s residency, it does not demand any additional actions from you.

It is not possible to request the treaty tax rate for those Swedish securities that are traded on markets others than Sweden.

  • From 01.09.2022, Swedbank will not be able to apply the treaty tax rate to dividends paid out by Swedish companies, which have been purchased from the Helsinki Stock Exchange in Finland. In the case of those securities, the applicable tax rate is 30%.

This information is not to be considered as an investment recommendation or advice or as an invitation to buy or sell securities or make other transactions. The bank does not provide tax or legal advice services.

Investing is for everybody.

Good choice for starting investors – start with a little as 1 euro.

An investment solution if you want to create a diversified portfolio of securities on your own quickly and simply.

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С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

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Вместо браузера Internet Explorer мы рекомендуем использовать браузеры Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge. Инструкции по установке упомянутых браузеров можно найти здесь.

From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

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This is a website of companies offering financial services – Swedbank AS, Swedbank Liising AS, Swedbank P&C Insurance AS, Swedbank Life Insurance SE, and Swedbank Investeerimisfondid AS. Before entering into any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service. Consult a specialist, where necessary. Swedbank AS does not provide a credit advisory service for the purposes of the Creditors and Credit Intermediaries Act. The borrower makes the decision of taking out a loan, who assesses the suitability of the loan product and contractual terms to his/her personal loan interest, need and financial situation on the basis of the information and warnings presented by the bank and is responsible for the consequences related to concluding the agreement.