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E-commerce Payment Solutions

EveryPay: EveryPay AS

Online payments for e-shops

  • Payment initiation through major Baltic banks
  • Card payments from all over the world, including Apple Pay and Google Pay™
  • PayPal
  • Payment by links

No activation or monthly fee!

Multiple payment options for your business. Easy integration through plugins, cloud platforms or APIs. Smooth checkout front-end design for better conversions.

Step up your e-commerce with our online payment solutions

Payment initiation

  • Most popular among the shoppers in Baltics.
  • Payments from multiple banks with one integration.
  • Transaction fee: 0,45% of the purchase price, no less than 0,10 €, but no more than 0,95 € per transaction
  • Monthly fee: EUR 0

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Card payments

  • Multipurpose online payment solution.
  • Easy to checkout, start a subscription or pay a recurring bill.
  • Transaction fee: depends on transaction volumes
  • Monthly fee: EUR 0

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Digital Wallets: Apple Pay, Google Pay

  • Mobile friendly.
  • Convenient, secure and fast.
  • Transaction fee: depends on transaction volumes
  • Monthly fee: EUR 0

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  • Popular and reliable globally.
  • Transaction fee: depends on transaction volumes
  • Monthly fee: EUR 0

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Link payments

  • Ideal to sell online without a website.
  • Transaction fee: depends on transaction volumes
  • Monthly fee: EUR 0

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Payment initiation

Allow customers to initiate instant payments from all of the major Baltic banks.

  • Swedbank (EE, LV, LT)
  • SEB (EE, LV, LT)
  • LHV (EE)
  • Coop (EE)
  • Luminor (EE, LV, LT)
  • Citadele (EE, LV, LT)
  • Šiaulių bankas (LT)
  • Urbo bankas (LT)
  • Revolut Bank (LT)

Try the demosite. By opening the link, you can make a donation check out the payment initiation process from the buyer's side.

  • Merchant Portal to track your transactions.
  • Fast and easy integration via plugins, hosted ecommerce platforms or APIs.
  • Seamless payment flow.
  • Customizable checkout design.
  • Possibility for checkouts without a website through “Link Pay” payment links.
  • Self-service & technical support

Card payments

Accept payments from clients all around the world with:

  • Mastercard
  • Visa
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
Installation of solution is carried out by our partner
  • The hosted checkout technology.
  • Subscription payments.
  • Possibility to save client’s card information for future payments (tokenization).
  • Fast and easy integration via plugins, hosted ecommerce platforms or APIs.
  • Customizable checkout design.
  • Possibility for checkouts without a website through “Link Pay” payment links.
  • Self-service & technical support

Digital wallets: Apple Pay, Google Pay

Our card payment solution supports the popular Apple Pay and Google Pay payment methods. Customers can make a purchase in just a few moments, without having to re-enter their card details again for each purchase.

To use Apple Pay and Google Pay solutions, you need to sign agreement for accepting card payments online.

Instruction for setting up
  • Biometric (face or fingerprint) authorization.
  • Fast and easy integration via plugins, hosted ecommerce platforms or APIs.
  • The hosted checkout technology.
  • Self-service & technical support.


PayPal checkout is used by millions of consumers around the world. Learn more about PayPal.

  1. Easy integration.
  2. Access to clients across the world that use PayPal.

Link payments

“Link Pay” payment links – ideal to sell online without a website. No integration needed, yet experience of online shopping inns kept. No more manual payment orders resulting in abandoned purchases.

  • Opportunity to turn every channel into a checkout.
  • Customizable payment fields and window design with possibility to have merchant’s logo and layout.
  • Possibility to set payment link re-usage limitations.
  • One-time checkouts or subscription payments.
  • Integration through popular platforms with discount: WooCommerce and Voog.
  • Plugins for the most popular platforms: Magento2, OpenCart, PrestaShop, ShopRoller, WebShopper, Mozello, Eshoprent.
  • Integration through standardized API (Application Programming Interface).
  • SDK tools for mobile applications.

Website of a merchant wishing to use the online card payments must meet the requirements of international card organisations Mastercard and Visa.

Payment initiation service support:

Card acquiring service:

Set up your online store and make sure that your e-store is compliant with the requirements. Fill out the application – we will contact you as soon as possible, not later than on the second business day from your request. Sign the agreement. Integrate the payment acceptance solution with your e-store and start selling.

How do card transactions work?

In this video, you will find out about:

  • the card ecosystem and authorization flow;
  • possible transaction types.

How to start accepting payment cards?

In this video, you will learn about:

  • available card acceptance solutions;
  • how to obtain the terminal and how to quickly set it up;
  • where to get technical support.

Online card acceptance

In this video, you will get information about:

  • what is online card acceptance;
  • what are the benefits of online acceptance;
  • how do online payments work;
  • what are the requirements for online merchant;
  • how can the risk be minimized in online environment.

What is chargeback?

In this video, you will get to know about the chargebacks – the process, timeframe, responsibilities, and solutions to avoid them.

What is card fraud?

This will explain the key things about fraud:

  • what to do in case of suspected fraud;
  • how to minimize it.

What a merchant needs to do to be compliant?

This video will explain:

  • what are the main responsibilities of the merchant
  • how to ensure compliance with rules of the international card organizations and the bank.

What is the PCI DSS?

With this video, you will understand:

  • what is the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS);
  • how card data can be stolen;
  • what are the consequences of the merchant not following the PCI DSS rules;
  • what can a merchant do to comply with the PCI DSS.

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) has been established by the leading international card organizations Visa, Mastercard , Amex, Diners, Discovery, JCB. The PCI SSC has developed the PCI DSS rules and documents to regulate and lay down the card security principles and policies. PCI DSS is intended for all entities that store, process, or transmit cardholder data and/or sensitiive authentication data or could impact the security of the cardholder data environment. This includes all entities involved in payment account processing – merchants, processors, acquirers, issuers, and other service providers. These rules set the technical and operational requirements for organizations accepting or processing payment transactions.

Please see the latest version of requirements and standards here.

All merchants that store, process or transmit cardholder data and/or sensitive authentication data must be PCI DSS compliant. Some PCI DSS requirements may also apply to entities with environments that do not store, process, or transmit account data – for example, entities that outsource payment operations or management of their cardholder data environment.

Account data (card data and sensitive authentication data) elements:

Data Elements Storage Restrictions Required to Render
Stored Data Unreadable
Cardholder Data
Primary Account Number (PAN) Storage is kept to a miinimum If your organization stores PAN, it is crucial to render it unreadable. Yes Standard requires that the PAN must be rendered unreadable
Cardholder Name Storage is kept to a miinimum If your organization stores PAN, it is crucial to render it unreadable. No
Service Code Storage is kept to a miinimum If your organization stores PAN, it is crucial to render it unreadable. No
Expiration Date Storage is kept to a miinimum If your organization stores PAN, it is crucial to render it unreadable. No
Sensitive Authentication Data Sensitive authentication data must not be stored after authorisation, (even if encrypted)
Full Track Data Full track data from the magnetic stripe, equivalent data on the chip, or elsewhere Cannot be stored after authorization Yes, data stored until authorization is complete must be protected with strong cryptography
Card verification code The three or four-digit value printed on the front or back of a payment card Cannot be stored after authorization Yes, data stored until authorization is complete must be protected with strong cryptography
PIN/PIN Block Cannot be stored after authorization Yes, data stored until authorization is complete must be protected with strong cryptography

How to be sure that you are compliant with PCI DSS requirements?

We inform merchants once per year via e-mail what kind of action must be taken to comply with the PCI DSS. The requirements are presented in the table below.

Merchants are categorized into 4 levels based on the annual number of card payment transactions by one card brand (i.e. Mastercard, Visa, Amex etc.). We require Level 1 - Level 3 merchants to notify us of their compliance status after the required action has been taken. Level 4 merchants must notify us of their compliance status by sending a completed Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ).

Merchant level Merchants transaction criteria Required actions from merchants Frequency
Level 1 Merchants with 6 million and more annual transactions in total for Mastercard or Visa External security audit made by Qualified Security Assessor(QSA) once per year
Network Scan conducted by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) or Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) once per quarter
Level 2 Merchants with 1 to 6 million annual transactions in total for Mastercard or Visa Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) or Internal Security Assessor (ISA) Level 2 merchants who choose to complete an annual self-assessment questionnaire must ensure that staff engaged in the self-assessment attend PCI SSC ISA training and pass the associated accreditation program annually in order to continue the option of self-assessment for compliance validation. Alternatively, Level 2 merchants, at their own discretion, must complete an annual onsite assessment conducted by a PCI SSC approved Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) rather than complete an annual self-assessment questionnaire. once per year

1. Merchants completing the SAQ A, A-EP or D are required to engage a QSA or ISA for annual compliance validation.

2. Merchants completing the SAQ B, B-IP, C-VT, C or P2PE may now self-assess without the use of a QSA or ISA for compliance validation

once per year
Network Scan conducted by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) or Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) once per quarter
Level 3 E-commerce merchants with 20 000 to 1 million annual transactions in total for Mastercard or Visa Completing annual Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) required once per year
Network Scan conducted by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) or Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) once per quarter
Level 4 All other merchants Annual Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) at merchant’s discretion Recommended once per quarter
Network Scan conducted by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) or Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) Recommended once per year

Keep in mind, that you’ll need to perform:

  • Security audit by a certified auditor acting as Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) at the legal entities that are presented on the official PCI DSS website.
  • Scanning of the network by a qualified net scanning vendor acting as Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) or Qualified Security Assessor (QSA). ASV can conduct a scanning procedure for in-store and online merchants but have no rights to perform annual audits.
  • Internal audit, during which questions in SAQ (Self Assessment Questionnaire) have to be answered. The questionnaire content depends on technical solution.

PCI DSS requirements and goals

The 12 requirements and goals in the table below will help you to understand what important actions must be performed to be compliant wiht PCI DSS rules.

Goals PCI DSS Requirements
Build and maintain a secure network and system 1. Install and maintain network security controls.
2. Apply secure configurations to all system elements.
Protect cardholder data 3. Protect stored account data.
4. Protect cardholder data with strong cryptography during transmission over open, public networks.
Maintain a vulnerability managemenet program 5. Protect all systems and networks from malicious software.
6. Develop and maintain secure systems and software.
Implement strong access control measures 7. Restrict access to system elements and cardholder data by business need-to-know.
8. Identify users and authenticate access to system elements.
9. Restrict physical access to cardholder data.
Regularly monitor and test networks 10. Log and monitor all access to system elements and cardholder data.
11. Test security systems and networks regularly.
Maintain an information security policy 12. Support information security with organizational policies and programs.

For more information please visit

The cardholder shall have the right to contest a transaction made with the Mastercard or Visa card. Such an appeal shall be settled as chargeback in accordance with the rules established by the international card organisations.

In case of chargeback, the merchant shall provide additional documents in order to prove that the transaction took place in accordance with the requirements of the card organisations. If the merchant fails to do so or does not respond on time, the merchant shall be financially liable for the contested transaction.

The most common reasons for chargeback

The most common reasons for chargeback are:

  • the cardholder confirms that he or she has not made the transaction (may indicate fraud);
  • the service provided by a regular card payment was cancelled by the client;
  • the goods do not correspond to the product information provided in the e-shop;
  • the goods are defective;
  • the cardholder has not received the ordered product/service within the time period established by the e-shop terms.

Recommendations for the merchant to prevent possible chargeback

Recommendations for the merchant to prevent possible chargeback:

  • use the transport service, which also includes confirmation of delivery of the goods;
  • make sure that the goods return policy of your company has clearly established the process of returning the goods and the time period during which the cardholder may file a complaint;
  • always ensure that you have delivery insurance for any fragile products;
  • make sure that you always have the order documents in a format which can be reproduced and the cardholder’s confirmation on agreeing with the terms and conditions of the order;
  • if possible, contact the cardholder in writing so that you could have written material about the communication with the client.
  • If the goods or services ordered by the client are not available, you have to inform the client and offer the replacement product/service of the same quality and price, or cancel the card transaction at the client’s request.

The consumer protection regulations have established the requirements for information that should be communicated to the client before entering into a contract. These requirements shall be applied to all who deliver goods or provide services under a distance contract.

Please contact us by calling 613 2222 if you need a consultation or you wish to report a fraudulent situation. You can learn more about how to do your banking securely here.

Check out our partners' discounts


30% off all services during the first 6 months.


E-shop solution on WooCommerce platform for 6 months free of charge.


Creating an online store and website is free of charge for the first 6 months.


Parcel delivery in Estonia and Europe

Discount –30% for 6 months.

  • 9 depots
  • over 300 couriers
  • more than 250 parcel lockers all over Estonia
  1. Discount calculated on the basis of standard fares.
  2. Discount available only to new DPD customers.
  3. Offer available after concluding a cooperation agreement.

In works with:

  • +372 613 0020
  • –30%


E-shop solution on WooCommerce platform for 6 months free of charge.

A comprehensive solution that makes your business visible online.

  • Domain (web address)
  • A trusted e-mail address
  • A suitable website tool – WordPress platform
  • E-shop solution on WooCommerce platform

In works with:

  • +372 683 5188
  • Free


Creating an online store and website is free of charge for the first 6 months.

Get your website up and running in just minutes - no installation or setup needed.

  • Up to 30 products in the e-shop.
  • 0% commission on e-shop sales.
  • A large selection of ready-made design templates.
  • No in-depth IT knowledge required - Voog team manages, maintains and upgrades systems.
  • Voog can be integrated with many tools and interfaces, offering different integration options for local businesses (e.g., Omniva and Itella parcel machines and parcel cards).

In works with:

  • Free
Swedbank logo

Internet Exploreriga ei saa internetipanka avada.

Palun kasuta Google Chrome’i, Mozilla Firefoxi või Microsoft Edge’i.

Alates 23. märtsist ei ole võimalik Internet Exploreri veebibrauseri kaudu Swedbanki internetipanka avada.

Internet Exploreri kaudu ei saa teha ega kinnitada Swedbanki makseid ka teistel veebilehtedel.

Soovitame kasutada Internet Exploreri asemel Google Chrome’i, Mozilla Firefoxi või Microsoft Edge’i uusimat versiooni. Nende seadistamise juhendid leiad siit.

С 23.03.2021 Интернет-банк Swedbank недоступен в браузере Internet Explorer.

С помощью Internet Explorer невозможно авторизоваться или осуществлять платежи через Swedbank на сторонних веб-страницах.

Вместо браузера Internet Explorer мы рекомендуем использовать браузеры Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox или Microsoft Edge. Инструкции по установке упомянутых браузеров можно найти здесь.

From 23.03.2021 Swedbank Internet Bank and Banklink is no longer available using Internet Explorer browser.

It is not possible to authorize or make payments from Swedbank on other web pages using Internet Explorer.

Instead, we suggest using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or the newest version of Microsoft Edge. To find out how to install the suggested browsers, please click here.

Klienditugi - Инфо и помощь - Customer service: +372 6 310 310

  • Teie operatsioonsüsteem ja veebilehitseja ei ole kaasaegne ega toetatud Swedbank internetipanga poolt. Palun uuendage oma operatsioonsüsteem ja veebilehitseja või pöörduge vastava IT tehnilise spetsialisti poole.
  • The operating system of your device & your browser are too outdated to be supported by Swedbank Internet Bank. Please, update the operating system & browser or turn to IT specialist for technical help.
  • Ваш браузер или операционная система недостаточно современны для использования в интернет банке Swedbank. Пожалуйста обновите операционную систему и браузер или обратитесь за технической помощью к ИТ специалисту.

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Liivalaia 8, 15040 Tallinn
Reg. number: 10060701

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Legal information

This is a website of companies offering financial services – Swedbank AS, Swedbank Liising AS, Swedbank P&C Insurance AS, Swedbank Life Insurance SE, and Swedbank Investeerimisfondid AS. Before entering into any agreement read the terms and conditions of the respective service. Consult a specialist, where necessary. Swedbank AS does not provide a credit advisory service for the purposes of the Creditors and Credit Intermediaries Act. The borrower makes the decision of taking out a loan, who assesses the suitability of the loan product and contractual terms to his/her personal loan interest, need and financial situation on the basis of the information and warnings presented by the bank and is responsible for the consequences related to concluding the agreement.